Sarah Soliman,

President & CEO

Years Experience: 13 years

What is your favorite element about your job? The ability to help clients grow their events or organization through content we capture and create is so fulfilling.

What helps keep you motivated? Seeing the business and the team grow excites me to no end. It's my daily motivation.

Favorite place you traveled because of work? Too many to name but Prague was a great experience.

What did you want to be when you grew up? A news anchor

What does a perfect day off look like for you? Waking up to get a good workout in, followed by a breakfast and spending a day with my love, Sanjay, by the pool relaxing with a seltzer drink in hand. 🙂

Where would you like to be in 10 years? I would love to establish an official Headquarters in locations like Las Vegas and Dallas that are fully run by full-time Soliman Productions team members.

What are three items you'd take with you to a deserted island? My moisturizer, diet coke and Sanjay 🙂

Coffee or Tea? Coffee x100000

Cats or Dogs? I often say I like dogs more than people.